How to earn in ExtraMiles


Create account

Getting started with Extra Miles is a breeze. Simply create your account, and you'll be on your way to unlocking a world of rewards.


Start booking

Once your account is set up, it's time to explore our vast selection of products and services. Whether it's booking flights, or making an online purchase.


Start earning

Earning with ExtraMiles is effortless. Every time you engage with our partner services, you're adding to your ExtraMiles balance.

How to use Extra Miles Rewards

Hotel Discount

Unlock a world of exciting travel opportunities with our extraordinary hotel discounts, offering amazing savings of up to 40%.

Transfer Miles

Maximize your rewards! Transfer your Extra Miles points to our airline partners and loyalty programs

Airline Discounts

Get ready for unforgettable adventures with our fantastic airline discounts, delivering savings of up to 35%

Gift Voucher

Unlock endless possibilities! Easily convert your miles into vouchers with over 2,000 partners across 5,000+ geographical locations through the application.
